Check out the interview we did with him about the socks.
#10deditos is our permanent collection of socks designed by artists and illustrators who are friends of the house. In all cases they are the first socks they design. We really like to invite you to capture your creations in this fun and simple article. They are produced in Portugal with rhythm and respect.
Xoan Viqueira is an illustrator that we love and we asked him to tell us a little about his design for peSeta:
"I can tell you that I am very fond of illustrating love and, above all, love between very opposite things, see my illustrations angel and demon, mermaid and sailor, Indian and cowboy... until now in animals I have not exploited that concept very much and the animals is something that I have liked to draw since I was little, in fact I keep many illustrations from that time when I drew animals, especially dogs and cats, because during my childhood I grew up surrounded by them and I grew up in a farmhouse in the middle of the Valencian orchard and "There have always been cats and dogs in it, that's why when you made me the proposal I had just come from spending a weekend in Valencia and it came to mind to reflect that in the socks."
We know in person those who have made this piece under criteria of quality, sustainability and love for our planet . peSeta designs and produces in Spain, in LOCAL WORKSHOPS.
If you want to know more about how we do things, click here .